Read and watch the following reviews by professional synth reviewers!


  • DR-2 Updated Review on (Aug 2023) by Dirk E. aka Xsample (Deutsch), after the release of OS010.

    'Ich hatte in der Testphase enorm viel Spaß mit dem belgischen Krachmacher: Antesten empfohlen!'

  • DR-2 Review on (Jan 2021) by [P]-Head (Deutsch).

    'Sie glänzt mit sehr gut klingendem Drum-Algorithmen, die einem niemals digital vorkommen, einem ausgereiften Sequencer mit schnellem Zugriff und der Freiheit, seine eigenen Klangkreationen mit wenigen Handgriffen von Grund auf selbst zu finden.'

  • NF-1m Review on (May 2018) by TobyB (Deutsch).

    'Modor hat die Hausaufgaben gemacht und liefert mit dem MODOR NF-1m einen äußert robusten, flexiblen, aber dennoch nicht optisch aufdringlichen Desktop-Synthesizer zu einem äußert attraktiven Preis.'

  • NF-1 Review on (February 2016) by Thilo Goldschmitz (Deutsch).

    Somewhat more negative review, with comments on the D/A-convertor: ' Die angesprochenen Unzulänglichkeiten wären alle zu verschmerzen - scheitern tut es jedoch an der letzten Stelle, dem DA-Wandler.' (1/3 stars)

    In the new upgraded version of the NF-1, the D/A-convertor has been changed for one with a lower noise floor, so this issue has been solved. More info on the NF-1 page.


Video Review (May 2023) of the Modor NF-1 by Duskmos

'It covers a good amount of territory, you can get rough and sort of grimy with it, you can have really atmospheric sounds, ... It's all a matter of how you start molding and shaping everything. Having all the options right at hand really makes it easy to find something you like!'


Video Review (Nov 2022) of the Modor DR-2 by Bobeats

'Recently, I tried a couple of different drum machines of which the DR-2 has been the most fun, by far!'


  • Video Review (Aug 2022) of the Modor DR-2 by Gearjunkies.

    'It's a versatile drum instrument, that doesn't try to be just another drum computer, but instead offers a very different sound and sequencing options.'

  • Video Review (Dec 2019) of the Modor NF-1 by Gearjunkies.

    'You can make very simple basic sounds with it, as well as very complex ones, due to the multi envelopes, modulation options and the very, very special formant filter!'


  • Video Review (Jul 2022) of the Modor DR-2 by Blue Noiz. En français!

    'Je ne peux pas m'empêcher à penser au plaiser que ressent Jef Mills lors qu'il joue avec son TR-909.' 😁

  • Video Review (Feb 2022) of the Modor NF-1 by Blue Noiz. En français!

    'Un super synthé numérique, avec des fonctionalités poussées. Il ressemble étrangement à un gros synthé analogique, de part sa taille, de part son grain, de part pas mal de ces qualités. ''


Video Review (May 2021) of the Modor NF-1 by Soundmit's Francesco Mulassano (Italiano!)


Review (Apr 2018) of our Eurorack Formant Filter by Paul Nagle in Sound on Sound

'If you're interested in vocal tones and don't want to get bogged down in complication, this filter is worth checking out.'


Review (Nov 2016) by Sara Simms at Ask.Audio magazine.

'Those who are drawn to this synthesizer will appreciate Modor NF-1 for its look, feel and unique sound design capabilities. Highly recommended!'


Review (May 2016) by Juno Plus magazine of the Juno record & gear store in London.

'Is this another step on the road to digital synth recovery? More than likely.'


Video Interview (April 2016) by Cuckoo (English) at the Superbooth16 in Berlin.


Review on (February 2016) by Evan Shamoon (English).

'A digital synth with its own sonic character, a great addition to any studio.'


Review on (February 2016, Deutsch).

'In Sachen Synthesizer-Hardware hat Belgien mit dem Modor NF-1 die Nase endlich mal wieder ganz weit vorn. Ein derart eigenständig und flexibel klingendes Instrument hat man lange nicht gehört.'



Review in Sound on Sound (February 2016) by Paul Nagle (English).

'This is a remarkable and distinctive synthesizer that's a delight to play and to program.'



Review in Beat Magazin Issue 121 (January 2016) by Henning Schonvogel (Deutsch). Not online...

'Man bekommt mit Multimode- und Formant-Filter, der reichhaltigen Auswahl an Modulatoren und den Außergewöhnlichen Effekten eine Menge Kreativ-Anwendungen für neuartige Klangwelten an die Hand!' (5/6)



Review in Issue 192 (octobre 2015) by Allard Krijger (Nederlands).

'De Modor NF-1 zet digitaal weer op de kaart. Hij laat zien dat het heel erg goed naast analoog kan bestaan, omdat het zijn eigen kwaliteiten en mogelijkheden biedt!'



Video review by Nick Batt of Sonic State (English)

'Great job! It's quirky, and it really does encourage you to program!'


Review at by Synthwalker (Français)

'Le NF-1 est un OVNI dans notre galaxie synthétique!' (4/5)



Review in Future Music Magazine issue 292 (june 2015) by Dan 'JD73' Goldman (English)

'If you're looking for a synth that's very hands-on and that inspires unique new sounds and ideas quickly, the NF-1 is a killer!' (8,5/10)



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